Rivalry between Women and Men

My poem represents the mass amount of female stereotypes that regard women as less important and less powerful than men. Our society favors masculinity and the attributes that are attached to the male gender. This leads to the overall disrespect of females. The stereotypes of women (weak, emotional) are mainly considered negative while the typical stereotypes of men (simple, strong, competitive) are considered powerful, making them socially acceptable as the superior sex.

Often when stereotypes towards women such as ‘they cant drive’ are said, it is not always considered rude at the time and usually gets the response of humor. When these stereotypical terms are brought together in one place, it reveals how the mass amount of demeaning stereotypes truly disrespect women. Such as the rivalry between accepted stereotypes, the search for equality is a never ending war. Men and women will never be widely considered as equal because of societies favorable perception of men.

The sixth line of the poem symbolizes the power that men have. Even when women are involved and stand out, they aren’t perceived as capable and as bold as men are. Discrimination is still wide spread even after all of the achievements we have progressed towards over the years.


One thought on “Rivalry between Women and Men”

  1. I love this poem! By using repetition, it creates this feeling that the word “men” are being thrown at you, and makes you believe / wonder how different men are viewed in society than women. The line, “Ah yes, the true blessing of being a man”, really stands out to me because it evidences the point about how men are put above women in society.

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