Introductory Blog Post

“Writing, for me, involves staring at a blank piece of paper for what seems like hours and hoping, hoping, words appear on that page. And then when they don’t, it involves violently slamming out sentences in barely-comprehensible verse to edit later— whenever, or when-never that may be.”- Taylor, 2018
You can call me Taylor. I am a Professional Writing major with a knack for misspelling words. (Thank god for autocorrect!)
I am interested in drama — the theater kind, not the gossip kind. Love the former, extremely unfond of the other. I have been interested in acting, singing, and dancing since a young age. I am only truly good at the first thing — acting — but that doesn’t stop me from trying!
I have recently discovered a love for certain video games. I’m not overtly fond of first-person shooters, but I am a HUGE fan of League of Legends. I recently picked up the game Mabinogi, and I have found it quite fun as well. I have tried other games, but League and Mabi are my current favorites.
I run — or, more accurately, I am planning to run — a roleplaying game on campus. Think: DnD. The game I run is NOT Dungeon and Dragons, but it works on similar concepts. The game I run — which does not yet have a name — is based off of a book series I am writing, called The Tenth Factor. (Feel free to contact me if this piques your interest. I am always looking for new people to join the roleplay)
I love writing, and I have been an avid writer for a long time. I have been working on the book I am currently writing for six years now. Sounds impressive, right? It is much less impressive when you find out I am only on chapter ten because I have written and re-written this book so many times now. I do not have much confidence in my writing, but I am working to overcome this obstacle. My goal, by the end of my four years in college, is to finish this book that I have worked so hard on. I am confident in my ability to succeed, if only I can set my mind to it.
To get to know me, ask me about:
Maximum Ride
Aurelio Voltaire’s music
First Aid/medicine/biology
The Tenth Factor (my book series)
League of Legends
The occult/modern witchcraft
The Salem Witch Trials (or historical Witch Trials in general. I know a lot about the infamous Witch Hunter Matthew Hopkins. He was a very bad guy with a very interesting life, in my opinion.)
Fun fact: My absolute least favorite topic to write about is myself. If you ask me who I am, I can not give you a straight answer. It is better to ask me what I am currently studying/working on. I am highly introverted, yet deceivingly outgoing. If you want to get to know me, it is best to try to talk to me first. I’m not keen on starting conversations, but trust me… I love to talk. I am looking forward to making this a great year.

3 thoughts on “Introductory Blog Post”

  1. Writing your own book is definitely impressive! Doesn’t matter how much time you’ve spent on it but how it turns out at the end, and you seem determined enough to make it perfect. Maybe it’ll be the first step to a whole series that ends up being a best seller! 🙂 Good luck.

  2. Welcome to the class, Taylor! “Violently slamming out sentences in barely-comprehensible verse to edit later” sounds a lot like my writing process as well. That is so cool that you’re working on a book series! What is it about? Very glad to have you in the class.

    1. The book series features a cast of characters, each with special abilities related to one (or more) of seven elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Spirit, Mind, and Shadow). People with such abilities, called Imperi, have long been in hiding because there is a common belief that “normal” people would not be able to handle the existence of Imperi. However, there is a group of people (That I have not yet named) that believes imperi should not be forced to hide. The book series will capture the war that happens between Imperi who want to stay hidden and those who don’t. It sounds dreadfully serious, but it really isn’t. The main focus in the series is on inter-character relationships. A majority of the characters are silly and quirky, so this leads to some great dynamics.

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